With the potential number of eyeballs, South East Asia has grown to be a lucrative digital market for telco business. In the latest year, internet penetration in the region was around 53 percent. Among 644 millions population, more than 339 millions were internet users.
However, South East Asia faced the problem of exponential growth and demand of services that require diverse connections and alternative route requirements to increase availability and reliability to the other part of the world, mainly America.
The existing routes to US have a higher risk of disruptions. The cables are not direct lines, but longer routes via East Asia countries, and crossing some seismic zones of Pacific. The cables are also centralized in Singapore-Hong Kong-Japan having the busiest seaports with very high traffic of shipping.
Frequent outages caused by submarine cable cuts are the main problem of the network. For business, it is too risky to depend only on the existing routes.
The networks also have typical connection as they use former wavelength technology resulting longer delay time in data transmission. Without available high quality connectivity, business for wholesales, carriers, and enterprises would not be efficient.
In responding to the problem, Telin provides a solution. Established around a decade ago as a subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk, Telin has emerged to meet the increasing global demand for seamless connectivity.
As the world s leading international telecommunication company and network service provider, Telin’s vision is creating Global Digital Business and Solutions by providing services for wholesale, carrier, enterprise, and retailer markets. Telin have deployed 21 submarine cable networks, totally around 204.000 kilometers in length, with 71 Point of Presence (PoP) connecting Europe, Middle East, Asia, and the United States (US).
One of Telin’s submarine cable systems is the SEA-US, a historic US $250 million trans-Pacific cable carrying a 15.000-kilometer fiber-optic on the seabed connecting South East Asia directly to the US. The line was initiated by Telin in cooperation with five international telecommunication companies in 2017.
The SEA-US will be the answer to the demand for high quality and high speed connection between South East Asia and North America. The submarine cable is more unique and advantageous telecommunication infrastructure as it is:
Most secured from hazard. Different from the other trans-Pacific routes, the SEA-US was set in a unique route bridging Manado (Indonesia), Davao (Philippines), Piti (Guam), Makaha (Hawaii, the US), and Hermosa Beach (Los Angeles, the US). The line avoids crossing earthquake-prone zones like South China Sea, Luzon Strait, and Japan.
Most efficient cable system. The SEA-US is the most efficient line as it connects the South East Asia to the US directly, while the other cables go through East Asia.
The latest technology of transmission. The SEA-US is the first trans-Pacific submarine cable that carries 20 Tbps capacity of fiber-optic using 100G technology. The infrastructure supplied by a major submarine cable provider, NEC corporation, was designed with the adapted wavelength (DWDM) technology to provide better speed and quality in communication.
Low-latency connection. With a state-of-the-art 100G technology of submarine cable, Telin’s clients in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore will enjoy seamless connection and improved transmission of data. The SEA-US provides the lowest latency from those countries to the US ranging from 170 185 ms compared to the other routes with time delay 210 ms. It will accommodate 70 percent of market demand for the US-bound communication originated in South East Asia.
Competitive price. With the value of security, technology, and connection quality, the SEA-US submarine cable is offered in best price compared to the others.
Extendable connection. It was designed to meet exponential growing demand for bandwidth between Asia and North America tomorrow. Therefore, the route enables onward connectivity to both existing and planned submarine cable systems. It means that, in the future, surrounding larger area will be possibly connected through the SEA-US.
For example, Republic of Palau and Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) have already been connected to the SEA-US through sea cables. The infrastructures have been ready for service since last June. It is the first submarine technology of telecommunication in these islands. Through these new connections, internet speed in the two ocean countries will significantly rise, from previously using satellite to Telin’s fiber-optic broadband having 500 Gbps capacity.
Linked with other submarine cable networks. The SEA-US is supported by Indonesian Global Gateway (IGG), a 5.300-kilometer trans-archipelago cable crossing an east-west path, connecting Sumatra, Batam, Borneo, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, and also Singapore. Carrying 100 Gbps technology of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), IGG is not only augmenting connectivity among Indonesia s major cities, but also being a backbone highway providing direct connection to global east and west gateway.
Integrated to Western Europe. The SEA-ME-WE 5 is a 20.000-kilometer submarine cable connecting South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe that carries 24 Tbps capacity using 100G technology. The cable links 15 countries, namely Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, and France.
Through IGG, Telin makes North America and Western Europe well connected. IGG is the hub bridging the two cable systems, the SEA-US with the SEA-ME-WE 5, in South East Asia. This integrated network enables the users of the different continents enjoy real time connection and transmission of voice, data, and video.
Connecting the west and east gateways becomes a milestone in Telin’s history. As a global digital solution, Telin has answered the problem of increasing demand for better quality of communication for a larger part of the world. A wider connectivity also means a greater opportunity for you to capture your new emerging market.